Suppagood launches Quantumize – Media Outreach for Thought Leaders

By Hasvinraj S. & Eugenie, 12 June 2024

Quantumize by Suppagood Best Public Relations Agency Malaysia

Welcome to the forefront of strategic brand elevation – Suppagood proudly presents QUANTUMIZE, a seamless-service designed exclusively for visionary company founders, C Suites and thought leaders. QUANTUMIZE is not just a service; it’s a transformative journey where your preferred PR services converge to quantum leap your exposure and redefine your brand’s mileage.

You may be wondering, “Am I ready for PR? To face the media and give interviews? Do I even have a decent story?” read on and find out!


Do ANY of these sound like you?

  1. You’ve got many years of experience in your field and are a subject matter expert.
  2. Your business has developed innovative solutions or practices that you do better than anyone else.
  3. You’ve had some successes and learned valuable lessons the hard way.
  4. You care deeply about a social cause and are championing it through your company.
  5. You read about your competitors in the media and feel you’ve got an even better story to share.
  6. You have an interesting or extravagant hobby or sport that you excel at, like independent watch collecting or being a Kendo champion.
 If you found yourself saying ‘maybe’ to any of the above statements, guess what? You might have a story that the media would love to hear. It’s easy to think that what we’re doing isn’t all that special because we imagine there’s always someone better out there. But here’s the thing—you’re unique, and your story is unique too! People can learn so much from your experiences.
The bottom line is this: if you have something to share that could benefit others or a specific audience, why not tell your story? Sharing it can boost your visibility and your brand, opening up new and exciting opportunities for you. So, go ahead and let your story shine!

Assume we’ve got you an interview with ‘BFM’, the top business radio station in Malaysia… what happens next?

Getting you the interview is half the battle won. Next, we’ll work together to nail down your message and deliver it effectively. Preparation is key, just like with anything else. Unlike advertising, you can’t preview or edit an interview before it’s published. But don’t worry—we’ve handled this hundreds of times. Whether it’s print, radio, podcast, or TV, we’ll make sure you come across as confident and suave.

Hurrah – the article / interview has been published!

This is your chance to brag! Share it on all your social media platforms, feature it on your website, and add it to your email sign-offs. This will help build greater credibility with your potential and current customers, peers, and partners. If you’re regularly in the media, people start to see you as a thought leader. And yes, you’ll be invited to even more platforms to share your insights.

PR is just not a priority right now

Just like investing in your future savings, investing in your brand is always worthwhile. It takes time, and results don’t happen overnight. Even if you secure just one or two interviews a year, after 10 years, you’ll have been featured consistently for a decade! This helps build trust with a new audience, especially if you’ve achieved what you set out to do.

It’s time to QUANTUMIZE

You know being in the media will be great for you, so it’s time to speak with us. We’ve just launched a special package that includes all the services you need to take that leap you need. People crave authenticity, and our ‘Find Your Why’ workshop is a transformative session to articulate your personal purpose and make everything click into place. Interviews will be the main medium to get you into the media, and if you want, you can opt for an intense media training session. Plus, if you’re too busy for LinkedIn or unsure what to post in order to stand out, we can help set that up and get you going. Let’s make your story shine!

Quantumize Suppagood PR agency Malaysia

Want to find out more?

Click the button below, fill in a short form and the QUANTUMIZE kit will be sent to your email in a jiffy.

PS. Act fast – we’ve got a special 30% discount up till July 31st 2024.

Read more of our thoughts here.

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