Collaboration #ftw, we reveal our secret weapons

by Loke J-Han , 31st August 2021

Once again, Malaysians are led into more uncharted waters. However, as the future of our country unfolds, we hold on to the one thing that keeps anyone churning –  hope. This takes many forms, and mostly about creating it for ourselves and for each other. That has always been the Malaysian way.

Commemorating the #KitaJagaKita spirit this Merdeka month, we’re dedicating this space to some of our favourite local partners that we’ve worked closely with over the years and have had some absolutely awesome and some butt clenching experiences with.

#sharingiscaring, and we hope you’ll reach out to them and give them work!

An absolute design wizard with beautiful vision and someone who just ‘gets us’ when we ramble on, Wik Kee has been one of our resident designers for many years. He has visualized and created our CI and many internal assets and collaborated with us for client projects alongside being an amazing consultant. 
Here’s what our team says about them:
When I worked on a project with him, he was just so patient in explaining things to me. He studied the brand guidelines and knew it more than the client. His product knowledge is really good and he takes time to understand it before he executes and not just execute something just because the client said so.
Here’s what they tell us about themselves:
Tell us something that no one really knows about your business that they should know
Design is not just drawing and creating fancy graphics. We work closely with all of our clients to provide design solutions that fit the objective, and strongly believe that a good design should be relevant and honest to its intention.
What keeps you continually coming back to work on the business
There are many great brands and products in Malaysia. However, many of them failed to communicate their values to their potential customers which is a sad thing to see. We want to help brands deliver their values through design, and the process of creating something out of nothing is satisfying!
What do you love most about Malaysia / Malaysians?
Everything, especially the awesome people! (except the politicians)
A partner at the company, Darshen has been our go to photographer for every event that we’ve held over the past few years. His talent of capturing the perfect shots we need on top of being extremely cool and efficient is an agency’s dream come true. 
Here’s what our team says about them:
Sometimes things can get a little hectic at events and Darshen has always been able to adapt to whatever happened and has been an asset to us in creating quality press kits. He’s accommodated our last minute requests and we’ve had so much fun working events with him and knowing he will do a great job is a stress reliever. Also he just knows our style, so briefing him is a breeze.

Here’s what they tell us about themselves: 

When collaborating with others, what does an ideal collaboration mean to you?
When it comes to my industry it is all about collaboration. Some event shoots require more than one photographer, which is where I collaborate and call other capable photographers and it extends to models, make-up artists etc. An ideal collaboration would be when both parties achieve a set goal together where we can work together almost telepathically. 
Tell us something that no one really knows about your business that they should know
Our studio space! It’s something new to us (about 2 years now) but with the pandemic. We never really had the chance to promote it.
What do you love most about Malaysia / Malaysians?
It’s also such a beautiful place culturally and of course for the karat humor and food.

These guys are the best! One consistent compliment that we’ve received over the years is the quality of our name cards and it’s all thanks to them! Andrew, the Director, has been an amazing partner with some of the best recommendations. We’ve currently got something in the works with them that we’re sure will knock your socks off so keep an eye out.

Here’s what our team says about them:

What I love about them besides the quality of their product is that they actually help you identify the right type of material or printing that would be suitable for the outcome you’re looking for. They always take time to explain why some things would work better. Also, they consistently set expectations, and then overdeliver every time.
Here’s what they tell us about themselves: 
Tell us something that no one really knows about your business that they should know.
We’re turning 5 this September! It’s crazy to think that we’ve gotten this far. We’ve also managed to move into a new space earlier this year! It was a big step for us, and we’re so grateful to be where we are now as a company.
What keeps you continually coming back to work on the business.
There’s always something new and exciting each day. Be it a design that’s creative and different, or an innovative packaging solution, things are constantly changing and that’s what keeps us invested.

We love you because you’re so awesome, what do you think makes you that way?

Thank you for thinking we’re awesome! We’re flattered. Perhaps it’s because we always strive to provide our clients the best service and solutions to their enquiries and requirements. Sometimes it can be difficult, but we always try our hardest to deliver nothing short of the best to our clients.
What do you love most about Malaysia / Malaysians?
The fact that despite the hardships we go through (especially during this pandemic), Malaysians always find a way to support each other in any way we can. The #KitaJagaKita initiative for example, is proof of our love, care, and support to one another. Times may be hard, but we can always find pockets of hope in these sorts of initiatives.
What do you love most about Malaysia / Malaysians?
Easily, we wish for a united front. Despite the current pandemic situation that we’re still in, we’re wishing for a skyrocketed sense of nationalism this Merdeka as we are reminded of what we’re really fighting for—our beloved country to flourish for the better.
They’ve been our lifesavers at events more than once and are amazing organisers working with our ideas and making them work. They’re super efficient, problem solving pro’s, and a great team to be around.

Here’s what our team says about them:

Whenever we go to Big Bash for event ideas, they always provide us/the client with multiple options and make sure to give the best recommendations based on the available budget. They’re also super experienced and are always super helpful with giving advice on what will work best.
Here’s what they tell us about themselves: 
Tell us something that no one really knows about your business that they should know
We learnt more from youtube than any of our professional training courses. 😂
What keeps you continually coming back to work on the business
Each day is different from the last. We like to keep it fresh, and that keeps us fresh everyday. What we always strive to do is to keep pushing ourselves to explore and implement new ideas for our clients.

We love you because you’re so awesome, what do you think makes you that way?

Haha, thanks. We always just try to keep it real and have fun along the way whilst doing what we do. One of the most common feedback we get from our clients is that we are always cool and composed even in the most stressful of environments. It’s one of the key skills we teach our team. It makes for a better working environment for our team as well as our partners and clients.
What do you love most about Malaysia / Malaysians?
Malaysians are awesome. Great hearts. Can crack a joke even at the toughest times. We invented nasi lemak 🌶🌶🌶
This Merdeka, what can we do to inspire hope?

As a people we have gone through some great times in Malaysia, where we have flourished and grown, but we have also gone through times of difficulty and struggle. The difference between those two situations is we have always stood by one another and banded together, helped those in need and given support where needed. We Malaysians will be able to come out of any situation better and stronger if we stick together.

Happy 64th Independence Day! We’ll see you next month. 

Read more of our thoughts here.

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